
Here are links to resources relating to open and reproducible research in and around Oxford. Feel free to get in touch to get a resource listed here!

Catalogue of Bias is a collaborative project mapping all the biases that affect health evidence and beyond.

Codebar Oxford offers free programming workshops, with the goal to make the tech community more diverse.

Data Readiness and FAIRness is a research group based at the Department of Engineering Science, which carries out research, development, and consultancy on data transparency, reproducibility, and scholarly publishing, based on the FAIR Data Principles, a set of guiding principles to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. The group develops and maintains FAIRsharing, an educational resource on data and metadata standards (for sharing and reporting), inter-related to repositories, databases, knowledge bases, and data policies (from funders, journal publishers) from all disciplines.

EQUATOR Network (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) is an international initiative based in Oxford that seeks to improve the reliability and value of published health research literature by promoting transparent and accurate reporting and wider use of robust reporting guidelines.

IT Learning Center provides many Digital Skills courses for staffs and students of Oxford.

NC3Rs is a UK-based scientific organisation with an Oxford hub dedicated to replacing, refining and reducing the use of animals in research and testing. They provide courses and resources to increase the reliability of experimental designs.

Open Access Oxford provides useful resources on open access publishing at Oxford, including the Oxford Open Scholarship Case Studies, which showcase related ongoing work across the University.

The Oxford local group of the Royal Statistical Society runs an annual programme of talks and lectures on statistical topics, open to academics and non-academics with an interest in statistics.

Oxford Research Software Engineering (OxRSE) enables academics from the University of Oxford to work with professional software engineers. They offer professional support for large and small projects but also free training and regular 30min bookable software surgeries.

Research Data Oxford provides the official University policy regarding research data management, including helpful information about research data policy.

Research Support outlines a set of principles to promote the responsible use of research metrics at Oxford, in line with the University’s support for DORA, the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment.

Research Support provides an Research Integrity: Introductory Core Course designed to support researchers from all disciplines. The core course outlines how researchers can meet their responsibilities, setting out the key principles and practices of good research conduct through the entire lifecycle of a research project. Specialist supplementary modules cover research involving human participants, research involving animals, intellectual property, conflicts of interest, and export controls.

UKRN Open Research Primers are designed to give brief, practical introductions to making your research more transparent, robust, and accessible.